Publication Ethics

The integrity of academic content and publishing process of Fine Chemicals is paramount. We hope these guidelines will be useful to authors, peer reviewers, editors.

In order to enhance the academic influence of Fine Chemicals, standardize the construction of scientific research integrity, and at the same time, to improve the quality of journal review, strengthen the audit of academic papers. In accordance with CYT-174-2019 Academic publishing specification—Definition of academic misconduct for journals, Regulations on academic misconduct of journals, Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), other relevant domestic and foreign publishing ethics standards and requirements, and in combination with the actual situation of our journal, we have formulated the publishing ethics standard of Fine Chemicals.

1. Research Integrity

 Honesty in all aspects of research;

 Transparency and open communication;

 Respect for all participants in and subjects of research;

 Accountability both for one's own research integrity and that of others.

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2. Editorial process

We are committed to editorial independence, and try our best to prevent this principle from being compromised. We do not discriminate against authors, editors or peer reviewers due to personal characteristics or identity. We welcome and encourage submissions from scholars of diverse backgrounds.

3. Authors' responsibilities

It is consider to agree to comply with this COPE when uploading a manuscript from the official website of our journal ( For the authors who have been verified to have academic misconduct, our journal will withdraw their contributions (including the withdrawal statement published in paper and HowNet) at the first time, report the investigation results to relevant units and other journals in the industry, and reserve the right to investigate their legal and economic responsibilities.

 Two submissions for one draft are prohibited. If the author wants to change his/her journal after submission, he/she should contact the editorial department by phone in advance. Only after receiving the rejection notice email, can change his/her journal. Published articles (including publicly published conference papers, journals in other languages, excluding articles that improve on published articles and achieve new results) cannot be published repeatedly.

 Ensure that the manuscript is original work, no plagiarism, plagiarism, data forgery and other academic misconduct, the content of the manuscript does not contain confidential information. Important data and experimental process shall not be missing, and the author shall assume his own responsibility.

 All signed authors should contribute to the article. All authors and organizations should be associated with the article. In case of any irrelevance, the author is obliged to cooperate with the editorial department to provide relevant certificates. Once a manuscript has been submitted, it is in principle not allowed to increase, decrease or change the author or the entity to which the manuscript belongs. In case the manuscript really needs to be modified, the first author, corresponding author and the entity to which the intellectual property rights belong shall provide supporting materials.

 Academic debate and a hundred schools of thought contend encouraged. The author has the right to raise objections to the review opinions. If there are any objections, please upload relevant explanations and explanations when you revise.

 Once the article is adopted, please log in the website < Publication Ethics> download Copyright & permissions, that is ( and (

4. Reviewers' responsibilities

 All of our publications are peer-reviewed in a double-blind format.

 Reviewers should review the manuscript objectively and impartially within the prescribed time, and avoid comments that are offensive, belittling, discriminatory or personally offensive. If the manuscript cannot be processed within the prescribed time, the editorial department should be informed in time or other experts should be recommended so that the editorial department can arrange the hearing as soon as possible.

 Respect the research results of the authors, and do not disclose or use unpublished research without authorization.

 If any academic misconduct is found during the process, the editorial department should be informed promptly.

 For manuscripts with conflicts of interest, the reviewer should inform the editorial department in a timely manner, and the editorial department shall arrange others to review them as soon as possible.

5. Editors' responsibilities

 Select manuscripts fairly and impartially. The selection of manuscripts will not be decided on the basis of quality, innovation, scientific nature, practicability and compatibility with the journal.

 Respect the research results of authors and the opinions of reviewers. All the modification process should be operated within the editing system and traceable. Keep confidential the contents, opinions and other related information of the manuscript.

 When selecting peer review experts for manuscripts, avoid selecting reviewers who have conflicts of interest, such as manuscript authors and the same organizations.

 Once the manuscript is accepted, timely arrange the publication date, and online release.

 In the process of peer review, the relevant information of reviewers and authors is strictly confidential.

6. Treatment of papers identified as academic misconduct

 The editorial office will duly inform the authors of the paper finally identified as academic misconducts, and allow the authors to explain and define this issue before having a decision.

 If the manuscript has been accepted but not officially published, the editorial office will notify the author that it should return directly in the journal website, cancel its acceptance, and give criticism to the authors.

If the paper has officially published, we will give a written notice to the authors, withdraw the paper, and order the authors to return the remuneration. If it causes bad reputation or other losses to the journal, we will reserve the right to continue to claim compensation.

If the circumstances are very serious, the notice of retract the paper and the information including authors' names and institutions will be published in the journal at a selected time. It will be notified this event to the authors' institutions.

The authors who have plagiarized and submitted the same manuscript to several journals, will be listed in the journal "blacklist".

If the authors of the paper disagree with the identification and handling results from the journal, they can submit a written application for reviewing again to the editorial office with 7 working days from the date of receiving the notice (It will be not treated if overdue). The editorial office will invite experts to recheck the paper, make final treatment opinions, and notify the decision to the authors within 30 working days.

7. Authorship and Contributorship

 Important contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; and/or

 Drafting the work or revising it critically for important content; and/or

 Final approval of the version to be published; and

 Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work and to ensure that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

The corresponding author's specific responsibilities include:

 Manuscript correction and proofreading. Handling the revisions and re-submission of revised manuscripts up to the acceptance of the manuscripts.

 Agreeing to and signing the Author Publishing Agreement on behalf of relevant coauthors and/or arranging for any third-party copyright owners' signature;

 Arranging for payment of an article processing charge where one is required. The affiliation of the corresponding author is used to determine eligibility for discounted or waived article processing charges under Open Access Agreements.

 Acting on behalf of all co-authors in responding to queries from all sources post-publication, including questions relating to publishing ethics, reuse of content, or the

availability of data, materials, resources etc.

8. Affiliations

Copyright of any articles belongs to the editorial department of Fine Chemicals. For other matters not covered, please refer to the require of and Draft agreement and Review report (